Pomeranian spitz

Sunday, August 16, 2009
Ears small, set not too widely. Pomeranian has twelve colors: black, brown, chocolate brown, dark brown, red, orange, cream, blue, white and bicolor etc.
The Pomeranian Spitz is a compact frame, the square format and aware proportions. Muzzle and head are in general very similar to lisyu, the skull is slightly rounded. The body is short with a deep chest and rounded edges. Wool is very well developed: thick, fluffy, straight, rigid to the touch, protruding, thick undercoat. The Height is up to 28 cm, weight 3,5 - 6,5 kg.

Pomeranian - excellent house pet and permanent exhibitions. Tender and affectionate nature Pomeranian spitz attracts many: his liveliness and quickness offset a small increase.

Pomeranian ancestors, of course, were bigger, some as modern keeshondy. Dogs like Pomeranian Spitz, used as a shepherd in many countries, not only in Germany. The first time in Britain, he was welcomed not so kindly, as a foreigner with unattractive unkempt hair. To improve the "jacket" Pomeranian Pomeranian has done a great job. Among the Spitz breeds, have, of course, of German origin, it is the smallest. At one time had the greatest distribution Pomeranian spitz white color, but which were then slightly larger: the latest in fashion includes orange and sand colors.
Table growth Pomeranian puppy:


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